Womens Aid

2 minutes 06/28/2022

Thank you for working with us in supporting Women's Aid. By shopping with us throughout March, we raised an incredible £15,000! Great things happen when we all come together.

Donations like this mean that Women's Aid can continue its vital work in supporting survivors, such as running the Live Chat Helpline and the #DeserveToBeHeard campaign, which highlights the impact of domestic abuse on women and children's mental health.

We’re proud to have partnered with Women’s Aid in celebration of International Women’s Day on the 8th March. Throughout March, 10% of every sale was donated to the charity, which is going towards helping survivors, campaigning, and supporting lifesaving services for women and children.
Women’s Aid is at the forefront of shaping and coordinating responses to domestic abuse. 1.6 million women experienced abuse in 2020 alone, and as many as three women are killed every two weeks by a partner or former partner. Women’s Aid is a federation of over 170 organisations, which provides close to 300 local lifesaving services for women and children across the UK.

If you or anyone you know is experiencing domestic abuse, Women’s Aid is here to help. Learn about all their services via their website: womensaid.org.uk.