With a more housebound Christmas on the cards this year, we’re prepping for many festive film nights in front of the fire. Everyone has their favourite Christmas film, but do you have the perfect pyjamas to wear while watching? Well here at Chelsea Peers, we’ve listed our favourite festive flicks, and paired them with the perfect pyjamas for the best viewing experience. So, grab your popcorn, throw on those pyjamas and cosy on up...

Home Alone
Matching Christmas Pyjamas- Fairisle Penguin Recycled Long PJ Set
Let’s not beat around the bush, Home Alone is the ultimate Christmas film. Who knew neglectful parents and a kid’s mission to keep his house criminal free could make us feel so festive? Although an oldie, Home Alone is the perfect festive film for the whole family to enjoy. And luckily, Chelsea Peers has pyjamas for the whole family with our matching Christmas pyjama sets which include fun, festive prints for everyone in your clan, from grandparents to grandkids.
Love Actually
NYC Foil Hearts Short Set
Proposals in Portuguese, airport declarations of love, and the sweetest use of A3 card and a Sharpie you can think of; Love Actually is the most romantic Christmas film ever. Will we ever hear ‘Jump’ without picturing Hugh Grant bopping around No.10? Will we ever forgive Alan Rickman for making Emma Thompson cry with the gift of a CD? Who knows? But we do know that our Foil Heart Short PJ Set are the perfect pyjamas for the romantics this festive season.

The Princess Switch
NYC Foil Gingerbread Man Short PJ Set
An unlucky-in-love star baker gets jetted across the world to the fictional land of Belgravia, where she takes part in the most stressful cooking competition since Masterchef Professionals. Throw in a royal family in turmoil, a doppelganger identity swap and the fact that Christmas is only a week away, and you have the perfect ingredients for a ridiculous yet comforting Christmas film. Grab some mince pies and channel your inner baker with our NYC Foil Gingerbread Man Short PJs for a viewing of this Netflix Original.
The Holiday
NYC Curve Takeaway Cat Recycled Long PJ Set
Christmas films are always better when watched with your girl gang. And there is no better girl’s night Christmas film than The Holiday. Jude Law has never been as sexy as when he has a napkin on his face, and let’s not pretend we haven’t all googled AirBnBs in the Cotswolds to see if we can book the exact charming cottage for our next girl’s trip. No girl’s night is complete with a cheeky takeaway, so pop the The Holiday on, order your favourite pizza and cuddle up in our Takeaway Cat Recycled Long PJs.

Arthur Christmas
Santa Claus Recycled Long PJ Set
In this refreshingly British Christmas film, with voices from the likes of James McAvoy, Jim Broadbent and Imelda Staunton, we discover what it really means to be Santa. And while reindeer have been replaced by spaceships and the workshop by a squadron of high-tech elves, the magic of Santa remains. Show some love to the big guy with our NYC Santa Claus Recycled Long PJ Set, made from sustainable fibres which are oh-so-soft to the touch.
How the Grinch Stole Christmas
NYC Navy Daschund Recycled Long PJ Set
While Jim Carey puts in a stellar performance as the grumpy, Christmas-hating creature who turns good in this 2000 classic, we think Max, his trusty canine sidekick is the real star of the show. While his owner cruelly begrudges Christmas, Max loves the festivities and looks adorable in antlers and a red nose. To watch this classic, we’d recommend showing some love to man’s best friend with our equally adorable Dachshund Recycled Long PJ Set. Sausage dogs in tartan? Can’t get much cuter than that.
Die Hard
NYC Navajo Fleece PJ Set
If you prefer your Christmas films a little more subtle, we suggest chucking Die Hard on the screen. This action-packed film sees Bruce Willis killing terrorists left, right and centre while Alan Rickman pops up again as the villain you just love to hate in Hans Gruber. With all the action kicking off at a holiday party, there is just enough festiveness to put it in the Christmas film category. Subtle Christmas films must be accompanied by subtle Christmas PJs and our Navajo Fleece PJ Set is the perfect solution, with a nod to Christmas but not so much that they can’t be worn all winter.

A Christmas Prince
Another Netflix Original, another vaguely European royal family in trouble at Christmastime. In A Christmas Prince, we find ourselves in Aldovia where Prince Richard is threatening to abdicate the throne. Thankfully a perky journalist from New York, with sleuthing skills to challenge those of Poirot, comes to the rescue. While there are plenty of Christmas trees and a snowball fight or two, there are also some pretty heavy royal politics discussed in this one, so we’d recommend channelling your inner Queenie while watching. No better way to do this than with our pyjama set covered in her beloved fluffy friends; NYC Corgi Butts Recycled Short PJ Set.